Photons, molecules and life : A tribute to
Sydney Leach
Friday September 23 2022 1:30 PM Conference room at Château of Meudon Observatory
LERMA and ISMO are jointly organizing an international scientific symposium in memory of Sydney Leach (1924-2019). This colloquium will be held at the Observatory of Meudon on 23 September 2022 at 1 30 PM. It will address current issues and recent developments in Molecular Photophysics, spectroscopy and dynamics of excited molecules, synchrotron radiation, astrochemistry - scientific fields in which Sydney Leach played a leading role throughout his career.
To evoke all aspects of Sydney Leach's personality, the afternoon will end with a concert
Invited Speakers:
Séverine Boyé Péronne (ISMO):" Photoionization of astrophysically-relevant radicals with SOLEIL synchrotron: spectroscopy and quantitative aspects. "
François Dulieu (LERMA et l’Université de Cergy Pontoise): "Formation des manteaux moléculaires à la surface des grains de poussières interstellaires"
John Simons (Oxford University) and David Field (Aarhus University) : "Sydney Leach: snapshots of a life remembered"
Alain Omont (IAP) :" PAHs in the diffuse interstellar medium: photo-chemistry and DIBs"
Matin Schwell (LISA ) :"VUV spectroscopy of prebiotic molecules"
Anne Zehnacker-Rentien (ISMO) :"In the wake of molecular photophysics: a spectroscopic journey"
With the participation of:
Rayanne Dupuis, Héléna Gourzoulidou, Irina Leach, Pelléas Leach, Stéphane Leach and Dan Tepfer in video.
RegistrationFree but mandatory. Click on the Registration tab .
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Organising committee:
Nathalie Baudry (ISMO),Christian Balança,( LERMA), Nobert Champion (LERMA), Jean-Hugues Fillion (LERMA), Severine Martrenchard (ISMO), Francesca Leach, Stéphane, Leach. Thomas Pino (ISMO), Evelyne Roueff (LERMA), Lydia Tchang-Brillet (LERMA), Martin Schwell (LISA), Niloufar Shafizadeh (ISMO)